
Before using the hints, have you looked closely at all elements inside the envelope?
Click on the name of one of the puzzles to display the corresponding hints.

Find the victim's friend (the straw and the guest list)
Open the hints in order.
The straw (hint 1)
Did you examine the straw closely? What symbols did you find?
The straw (hint 2)
The symbols are morse code.
The straw (hint 3)
Did you have a close look at the red envelope?
Can you establish a link between the word coded in morse and the sticker found inside the envelope? Which other document can you use to complete the name of that person?
You now have to find this person on Facebook.
On the straw, the first name "Emma" is written in morse code. A small piece of paper is hidden inside the red enveloppe. The first four dashes seem to match the 4 letters of the name "Emma". Her name must then have 5 letters (5 dashes), and can be found on the guest list. Only one guest has a first name starting with an "E":

The logo found inside the red envelope suggests you to find Emma Fornan's Facebook page.
Decipher the coded document
Open the hints in order.
Watch the shape of the document: doesn't it remind you another object in the envelope?
How can you use the holes and arrows in the coaster?
The coaster works as a tool to decode the series of letters on the other document. Put the coaster over the document, then turn it in the direction indicated by the arrows. If you write down the letters that appear in the holes of the coaster, you will get: "WITH MASK".
Decode the entrance ticket
Open the hints in order.
What symbol can you spot on the ticket? YOu may need to download an app on your phone to read it.
Besides the QR code, the ticket contains a weird indication, called "special code"...
Search online for the meaning of "rectangular transposition", for example on the website: http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/columnar-transposition-cipher/.
The web grid (hint 4)
What can be the cipher key? Listen carefully to the music clip.
The web grid (hint 5)
Isn't there a word in the music clip lyrics that stands out thanks to a weird sound? If necessary, identify this word by looking at the song's lyrics.
The web grid (hint 6)
You must now transpose each column of letters using the alphabetical order given by the key.
On the web page found by reading the QR code, an encrypted message can be found. To decode it, one must use the technique of "rectangular transposition" (the "special code" indicated on the ticket). In the song "By the Rivers of Babylon" (music clip), the horn sound covers the word "wicked": it is the keyword that must be used to decode the message. After ordering the letters of the key WICKED by alphabetical order(WICKED =>, the columns are to be reordered in the same order.

Identify the future victim (the flag, the coaster, the guest list)
Open the hints in order. To solve this puzzle, it is necessary to have solved all the former puzzles.
The picture (hint 1)
On Emma Fornan's Facebook page, did you find a picture that allows you to identify her friends who were at the Babylon party?
The picture (hint 2)
Using the decoded messages thanks to the coaster and the entrance ticket, which girls in the picture can you rule out?
The picture (hint 3)
Look again at the coaster: isn't there another indication that allows you to rule out another girl?
The picture (hint 4)
What is the country of the flag found in the envelope? Can it help you identify Abaddon's future victim on the guest list?
On Emma Fornan's Facebook page, you will find a picture showing her friends who were at the Babylon party. The clues left by Abaddon allow to guess who his future victim is:

According to the picture caption, it is Matilda. On the guest list, several guests have a first name starting with the letter "M", but the Swedish flag helps you guess that it is "M. Eriksson": Matilda Eriksson is Abaddon's future victim.
Write to Abaddon (the letter)
Open the hints in order.
What is Abaddon's signature?
Can you see the symbols on the front page of Abaddon's letter? What can they be used for?
What link can you establish between the "sign of the cross" and the directional triangles ▲ located on the borders of the letter?
In the end of his letter, Abaddon gives a hint that the letter itself should be used, and that you have to make the "sign of the cross" and follow the directions. The sign of the cross is done from top to bottom then left to right. If you fold the letter by following the instructions, you should find an email provider address.
Abaddon's email address is: ABADDON.ANGELUS666@gmail.com. Don't forget to add in the email the first and last names of the victim: Matilda Eriksson. If you did send the email and didn't get any reply, then go here.

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